Get your head in the books or if your past that at least it's a good excuse for a vacation.
ok... as most of you know i am now a full fledged member of the united states army.
my rank is currently at an private first class.. originaly i wanted to go into military intel but decided against it as i went to basic much sooner if i went as a military police.
it seems that the army has instituted a new program where if i go back to my first choice and go with military intel i will recieve a promotion!
Get your head in the books or if your past that at least it's a good excuse for a vacation.
after reading the thread about posing in the nude, i was suprised to see how many people on here had done that....made me start to wonder what other interesting tidbits (hence the title of this thread) i didn't know about my fellow posters.
so what interesting or unusual thing have you done or been or seen in your life?
posed in the nude?
Not much I can think of really. My brother saved me from drowning once which was as scarey as hell. To link in with my other thread I saw my brother after he was circumcised ...ouch !!! It must have been 'God's will', punishing him for his vile behavior in the KH.
what i can't understand amoungst most things about the wbts is the privileges they allow 'repentant' paedophiles.
for example, they are not allowed to hold a freekin microphone [amoungst other bullshit], but the are allowed to hold the book study in there own home's.
are the wbts fu#=in screwed in the head or what? the way, can anyone provide a link to what the WBTS says about the privileges 'repentant' paedophiles are allowed. I've definately read this somewhere but I can't think where.
be wise.
when i was very young about 12 or 13 my brother [he's mad, not much older] sometimes used to do a cheeky magic trick during the watchtower[god, this was the most boring of them all, i think].
he used to put his hands by his side and miraculously the books on his lap would rise all by themselves [yeah, you guessed it ...morning glory], well it made me laugh my head off.
i bet people could see my shoulders bouncing up and down from the back row.
So do I, if not telly other stuff. Some people make quite a bit [win holidays etc] by hunting down competitions of this nature that are in magazines etc. I saw a program on TV and this women had won loads of stuff cos she was basically very good at it and spent a lot of her time entering for them and doing them.
when i was very young about 12 or 13 my brother [he's mad, not much older] sometimes used to do a cheeky magic trick during the watchtower[god, this was the most boring of them all, i think].
he used to put his hands by his side and miraculously the books on his lap would rise all by themselves [yeah, you guessed it ...morning glory], well it made me laugh my head off.
i bet people could see my shoulders bouncing up and down from the back row.
Not all bad then Blondie, all them years of mental abuse are worth something at least.
Actually, if that's what u did then you should be amazing at it by now. Ever thought of going on a TV show or something ?
when i was very young about 12 or 13 my brother [he's mad, not much older] sometimes used to do a cheeky magic trick during the watchtower[god, this was the most boring of them all, i think].
he used to put his hands by his side and miraculously the books on his lap would rise all by themselves [yeah, you guessed it ...morning glory], well it made me laugh my head off.
i bet people could see my shoulders bouncing up and down from the back row.
When I was very young about 12 or 13 my brother [he's mad, not much older] sometimes used to do a cheeky magic trick during the watchtower[God, this was the most boring of them all, I think]. He used to put his hands by his side and miraculously the books on his lap would rise all by themselves [yeah, you guessed it ...morning glory ], well it made me laugh my head off. I bet people could see my shoulders bouncing up and down from the back row. It sure as hell made the watchtower go quicker until I was dragged out and spanked on the legs.
Sorry, I couldn't contain this story all on my own.
i am a newbie and apparently very naive.
i in reading different threads, lurkers have been mentioned.
my initial thought was "lurking" meant people like me reading for awhile and eventually posting.
I was never allowed to realise back then, that apostates are really nice people [tear in my eye].
i hope this works!
They could have a Ghost Train with 'possessed', 'apostates' sneaking up on them trying to 'stumble' them, now that would be too scary for some, if not all.
That would be more like a Theme Park for apostates, though. Now that would be fun.
what i can't understand amoungst most things about the wbts is the privileges they allow 'repentant' paedophiles.
for example, they are not allowed to hold a freekin microphone [amoungst other bullshit], but the are allowed to hold the book study in there own home's.
are the wbts fu#=in screwed in the head or what?
What I can't understand amoungst most things about the WBTS is the privileges they allow 'repentant' paedophiles.
For example, they are not allowed to hold a freekin microphone [amoungst other bullshit], but the are allowed to hold the book study in there own home's. Are the WBTS fu#=in screwed in the head or what ? Somebody tell me, isn't this just evidence of there crazy up-side-down thinking process ?
i hope this works!
window washing contests Apostate shooting range
VeniceIT what can I say, heh heh...brilliant.